Principal, H.O.W.
(254)729-4104 ext. 2001
Office Hours:
1:00-3:00 pm
Principal, H.O.W.
(254)729-4104 ext. 2001
Office Hours:
1:00-3:00 pm
Welcome to H.O. Whitehurst Elementary!
My name is Kristen Curry, and I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our H.O.W. families. This is my 10th year at Groesbeck ISD, and the 4th year as an administrator at H.O. Whitehurst. It is a privilege and honor to serve as an instructional leader working in partnership with our amazing learning community.
H.O. Whitehurst Elementary has a proud tradition of being a phenomenal school providing a nurturing and caring learning environment for all children. Our dedicated team of highly qualified teachers and support staff strive to ensure academic success by setting high standards and promoting a growth mindset. The use of integrated technology, research-based best practice instruction and highly effective professional development for teachers are what creates an optimum learning experience. H.O.W. holds a special place in my heart as it is the place where each of my three children started their educational journey and taught us the true meaning of being a GOAT!
I encourage you to visit H.O. Whitehurst's website and Facebook page weekly for updates on upcoming events and information.
Thank you so much for your ongoing partnership and support!
Respectful, Responsible, and Ready.....
Mrs. Kristen Curry