As educators we learn a lot from each other. Mrs. Bolton retired this past year, but her impact on staff and students is still felt everyday! Thank you Mrs. Bolton for inspiring us all and making us better teachers and people,don't worry Ms. Holmes is keeping the candy stocked!
Shout out to our hardworking kitchen staff! They get here bright and early to make sure our kids get a good breakfast and work hard to prepare 4 delicious options for us at lunch! We want you all to know your dedication to the HOW staff and students does not go unnoticed!
REMINDER - Groesbeck ISD's Substitute Classroom Training - August 29th
HOCO dress up days at H.O.W.
We’re hosting Coffee with Admin again this year and would love for you to join us! It’s a great chance to connect, chat, and enjoy some delicious coffee together. Mark your calendar for September 10th at 8:15 a.m. at the Red Goat Café.
Story time with Mrs. O'Bryant is a favorite here in the H.O.W. Library. We could not think of a better way to get this week started!
This is how we do science in Texas! Studying temperature, and making predictions on how hot it has to be before the crayons will start melting. How fun!
2nd grade P.E. "Builders & Bulldozers"
So much fun and so much movement. Way to go Coach Wolf making P.E. interactive and fun!
Groesbeck High School is hosting a blood drive on August 26th. To learn more about the process, visit
We are WILD about 3rd grade and starting our days off with reading!
Groesbeck ISD is offering its Substitute Classroom Training on August 29 from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in the GISD Board Room, 1202 N. Ellis Street. To substitute in the classroom, you must attend a training. However, if you have attended a GISD Substitute Training last year, you do not need to attend again.
Clean Indoor Air is Crucial to Keep Students and Staff Healthy. Linked below is Superintendent Figueroa's Video on "Reviewing Protect|ED's NanoStrike Technology".
*Stay tuned for next week's video about LightSpeed speakers in the classroom
Another week full of great new options for our students! Hope your kids are excited to try all we have to offer them this week!
Happy Friday! Breakfast with PK after the 1st week of school was a special treat for Mrs. Copeland.
Come join your little goat to celebrate Grandparents Day at H.O.W. Friday September 6th
Lunchtime with Mrs. Curry! It’s hard to decide between all the amazing options but we can all agree it was DELICIOUS!
Kona Ice is always a special treat for our students here at H.O.W.
Now it is even easier for parents! Pay one time for Kona Ice ALL YEAR!!
This makes sure your child never misses out... YAY!
**Must be purchased before the 1st Kona Ice Day Sept. 12th**
At MySchoolBucks, we consider ourselves a service designed for families. Our mission is to provide parents with an easy and convenient way to support their students' school experiences. Now, we’re excited to announce a whole new way for parents and the entire family to get even more from MySchoolBucks with MSB FamilyPass.
MSB FamilyPass is our new membership program that allows parents to skip the program fee on all meal payments and unlock brand offers for only $75/year.
Visit: or call MSB at 855-832-5226
We can't wait to try the new chicken ranch melt recipe/meal today in the cafeteria. Very excited!!!
This week in the cafeteria!!
Each day your student has 4 options to choose from and they are all great!