Contact Information
About Me
I attended and graduated from Sam Houston State University. Eat 'Em Up Kats! This year will be my 20th year to teach English. I have taught grade levels from 6th grade to 12th grade, but 11th grade is my favorite area. My husband and I have two daughters and live in Mexia. We spend all of our time with the horses and rodeoing on the weekends, and sometimes during the week. I am excited to be here for my second year.
Kelly Grady
Daily Schedule
Time | Class | Period |
7:45-8:32 | English III | 1st |
8:36-9:23 | English III | 2nd |
9:27-10:14 | English III Honors | 3rd |
10:17-11:40 | ENRICHMENT | |
10:44-11:31 | English III | 4th |
11:35-12:22 | English III Honors | 5th |
12:56-1:43 | English III | 6th |
1:37-2:34 | Athletics | 7th |
2:38-3:25 | CONFERENCE | 8th |
Tutorial Schedule:
Tuesday morning 7:00-7:20AM
Tuesday afternoon 3:40-4:00PM
By appointment only.
You will be responsible for signing the tutorial sheet.
You must be signed up for tutorials by 4pm the day before
Classroom Links:
Class Syllabus
Google Classroom links below
1st Period : https://classroom.google.com/c/NzA0MTMzNzQ2OTk5?cjc=2j45nvb
2nd Period: https://classroom.google.com/c/NzA0MTQ2MDg3MDU1?cjc=skzmanw
3rd Period : https://classroom.google.com/c/NzA0MTQ1MDkxODE5?cjc=jfxiap7
4th Period : https://classroom.google.com/c/NzA0MTM5MTcwNDIw?cjc=d7ivob4
5th Period : https://classroom.google.com/c/NzA0MTQ0NzA0NzE3?cjc=febxjzc
6th Period : https://classroom.google.com/c/NzA0MTQ2NDEyMDMz?cjc=u5qfvzk