December Events:
1. Word Of Life 12/13- help with food distribution system
2. Toys for Tots: Holiday Movie Night 12/18 - STUCO hosts its 3rd annual Holiday Movie Night for the community in the GHS Auditorium. Entry is $5 (or unwrapped toy) per person. We will present Mickey Mouse holiday movie shorts, host holiday crafts and games, serve hot chocolate, popcorn, and cookies. We will also have a bounce house for more fun! All proceeds and toy donations will go to TOYS FOR TOTS.
Student Council
Advisor: Megan Bolton can be reached at m.bolton@groesbeckisd.net
Welcome to GHS Student Council's website!
Student Council offers leadership opportunities for the student body of Groesbeck High School. StuCo provides a way for the students to take action in issues concerning the school, representing the variety of opinions and interests of the students, aiding communication between faculty and students, protecting students' rights, and generating school spirit through Student Council sponsored activities, such as Homecoming and teacher appreciation. Student Council organizes Homecoming by developing the theme, managing the voting for king and queen, decorating the venue, and providing the music. Student Council helps facilitate Red Ribbon Week at all of the GISD schools in October, partners with Central Texas Food Banks in November for Food for Families, and also hosts a movie night event in December to collect items for Toys For Tots. Student Council members must also satisfy a community service requirement throughout the entire year. Students have the opportunity to attend conferences to learn leadership skills and collaborate ideas with other schools.
Student Council consists of elected officers (executive board) plus representatives of each class. The executive board meets monthly with the sponsors to discuss issues of concern and upcoming events. Subsequently, the executive board meets with the class representatives to schedule and facilitate sponsored activities.
Students who participate are required to be in good standing with discipline, attendance, and academics.
Please check back often as we update our page throughout the year!