Parent U launched last night. Thank you for all of those who presented and who attended. Click link to access slides from the session: We hope to see you at our next session: "Digital Safety", held on Sept. 20th.
over 1 year ago, Anthony Figueroa
parent u
parent u flyer
Groesbeck Seniors-if you want to take the SAT offered at GHS on October 11, 2023, you MUST SIGN UP by Friday, September 1, 2023 at 3:25 p.m. See your Class of 2024 Google Classroom for the sign-up link. #GoBigRed #three
over 1 year ago, Sarah Bush
Parent U is tonight at 6:15pm in the H.O. Whitehurst Theater. Please join our administrators as they review our parent portal graade and attendance alert system, the new website and mobile app, our emergency response progrma and more.
over 1 year ago, Anthony Figueroa
parent u
Parents and Families-the deadline to order grade 9-11 and even Senior pictures is NOT tonight as stated in the email sent by Life Touch, our independent photography group. Mr. Kirkendoll will have more detailed information sent to your emails that we have on file tomorrow so everyone can order what they need in a timely manner. Thanks for your patience as we transition to this new company and the new process.
over 1 year ago, Bonnie Bomar
Winni Lin and Ryder Bagley were just recognized by @CollegeBoard National Recognition Programs for academic achievements in school and on assessments. We’re proud to celebrate our students and their hard work in high school. Doing the work is the hard part. Being recognized for it should be easy. And for students planning for life after high school, this award is an opportunity to get recognized by colleges that are actively looking for diverse talent. Congratulations!
over 1 year ago, Sarah Bush
A Big Red thank you goes to the Los Pirados Motorcycle Club for another year of donations to Groesbeck ISD for school supplies! Your support for our students is greatly appreciated! Go GOATS!
over 1 year ago, Teresa Battrick
motorcycle club
McDonald's mcmuffin breakfast?? Nope.... it's our awesome cafeteria ladies!!!
over 1 year ago, Anthony Figueroa
Since the Lady Goats are participating in tournament play on our regular MEET the GOATS night, we want to invite everyone to a special edition of "MEET the LADY GOATS" on Tuesday, August 22, 2023 at 5:30PM in the GHS Varsity Gym right before we compete against North Zulch! Hope to see you there! #gobigred
over 1 year ago, Bonnie Bomar
Meet the Lady Goats
If you haven't attended and want to sub in the classroom, mark your calendar for our next sub-training! Go GOATS!
over 1 year ago, Teresa Battrick
sub training crayons
August 23, 2023 is School Picture Day!!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Henson
Picture Day
GISD Child Nutrition announces 2023-24 Student Meal Prices and a reminder to sign up to pay for your child's school meals online at We also ask that you complete and return the Free and Reduced Meal form that is on yellow paper.
over 1 year ago, Teresa Battrick
meal prices flyer
Superintendent Figueroa's Monthly Newsletter: August 2023 Edition
over 1 year ago, Anthony Figueroa
supt newsletter
Fall Sports/Organization picture day is set for August 19th 2023 from 9:30am-12:30pm.
over 1 year ago, Valerie Henson
Fall Sports
Date Change for GISD PARENT UNIVERSITY... CHANGE your calendar and JOIN us on August 24th. GISD has changed the date of the first GISD Parent University program due to a conflict with the Back to School Bash that First Baptist Church is hosting on August 23rd!
over 1 year ago, Teresa Battrick
New window wraps being installed at the high school.Getting ready for a great year.
over 1 year ago, Anthony Figueroa
Class of 2024 Senior Sunrise August 18th from 6:30am-8:00am in the North Parking lot of the high school.
over 1 year ago, Valerie Henson
Senior Sunrise
UPDATE: Football Media/Picture Day is August 19, 2023 (NOT August 12th) from 9:30am to 12:30pm in the Varsity Gym!! See you there! #gobigred
over 1 year ago, Bonnie Bomar
football media day
Come out and support the Goats this Friday in Madisonville. JV scrimmage at 5:30pm and Varsity Scrimmage at 7:00PM. There is a $2.00 admission fee with all proceeds going to the THSCA benevolecnce fund.
over 1 year ago, Valerie Henson
over 1 year ago, Bonnie Bomar
OLR info
Mark your calendar NOW and JOIN us for GISD PARENT UNIVERSITY on August 23rd.
over 1 year ago, Anthony Figueroa
Parent University
Communication 101