Family Engagement
H. O. Whitehurst’s mission is to provide each student with high levels of learning in a culture of collaboration and respect between students, faculty, staff, and parents.
District and Campus Goals
All students exceeding state and federal performance standards
Supportive parents and community members proactively involved in the education of our students
Highly competent faculty and staff maintaining quality education in a diverse and changing environment
Modern and well-maintained facilities meeting the current and projected educational needs of all students
G.I.S.D. Mission Statement
The Mission of Groesbeck ISD is to ensure that every student achieves maximum potential.
G.I.S.D. Vision
The Vision of Groesbeck ISD is to be an EDUCATIONAL BEACON that exceeds the state’s highest standards in all areas of education.
Teacher Conference Times:
Pre-K 12:30 - 1:30 pm
Kindergarten 1:50 - 2:50 pm
1st Grade 9:50 - 10:50 am
2nd Grade 8:15 - 9:15 am
3rd Grade 11:20 - 12:20 pm
Like us on Facebook: H.O. Whitehurst Elementary
Look for our campus on the GISD website
Family Access through Ascender Parent Portal for Grades, Attendance, Etc…
Don’t Miss Out; subscribe to the E-Notes Notification System and Receive automated texts, emails, and phone calls from teachers and administrators.
Family Resources on Assessments NWEA Family Toolkit (1st-3rd)
What is a Family-School Compact?
A Family-School Compact is an agreement that parents, students, and teachers implement as a team to improve children's education.
It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all students get the individual support they need to reach and exceed grade-level standards.
H.O. Whitehurst Administration
Kristen Curry, Assistant Principal – Email Kristen Curry
Kelley Copeland, Assistant Principal - Email Kelley Copeland
Our Pledge
As a School:
We will maintain an “open door” policy to parents so that they know they are always welcome.
We will be available for scheduled conferences and welcome parent engagement in their child’s education.
We will integrate reading throughout all areas of their child’s learning experience.
As a Parent:
See that my child attends school and is on time each day.
Support the teachers’ efforts to help my child succeed at school.
Make reading a high priority in our daily lives.
As a Student:
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Ready