Board Meeting Protocol
The Board of Trusees and the Superintendent participate in various types of board meetings and adhere to policies and regulations as defined by the Texas Education Agency, the Texas Association of School Boards, and the laws of the state of Texas. These meetings, with the exception of closed sessions, are open to the public but are not meetings of the public. The purpose of each meeting is to conduct school district business and to provide the members of the Board an opportunity to discuss issues and exchange information with each other and the staff. Open Meetings law allows the Board to deliberate only on listed agenda items.
Advance notices of Board meetings are distributed to the local newspaper and posted at the front door of the Groesbeck High School, 1202 N. Ellis, Groesbeck, Texas 76642. A list of currently scheduled regular Board meetings and notices for other types of Board meetings are available in the Superintendent's Office or can be accessed via the GISD website. Meeting agendas can be obtained at the meeting, from the Superintendent’s Office, or on the district website.
Different types of meetings are as follows:
Regular Meeting:
Business meeting held on a scheduled date. Regular Board meetings generally are held on the third Monday of each month, with some exceptions due to holidays. An opportunity for public comment is generally available at this meeting in the open forum segment. Action may be taken at this meeting. Notice of these meetings must be posted 72 hours prior to the meeting.
Special Meeting:
Business meetings are held on a date other than the regularly scheduled meeting. Action may be taken at these meetings. Notice of these meetings must be posted 72 hours prior to the meeting.
Board Training Session:
Meeting between board members and staff to receive training/information. No action may be taken. An opportunity for public comment is generally not available at this meeting.
Emergency Meeting:
Business meetings are scheduled with at least two hours notice to the public. An emergency meeting usually is called to address a situation that must be handled immediately. Action may be taken.
Closed Meeting:
Meeting of the Board of Trustees is not open to the public. During this meeting, only certain topics, such as real property issues, personnel matters, and consultations with attorneys for pending litigations or settlements, may be discussed.
Public Forum/Hearing:
Meeting to listen to public input. The forum/hearing may address a specific topic or may be general in nature, and it may be held as a separate meeting or as part of a regular meeting or study session. This meeting may be held at individual schools or in the community. No action may be taken.
Audience with the Board
The audience with the board section of the regular school board meeting provides an opportunity for citizens to address the board and for board members to receive information and feedback from the public. According to policy, reasonable restraints may be placed on the number, length, and frequency of presentations so long as it does not unfairly discriminate against speakers based on their viewpoint. Patrons are given three minutes for comments or five minutes if representing a delegation. Patrons are not allowed to relinquish time to other patrons. Patrons are requested to refrain from referring to any student, teacher, staff member, or parent by name. Generally, no more than 30 minutes are given to the Audience with the Board portion of the meeting. There is a form for those wishing to have an audience with the board to fill out and submit prior to the board meeting. This form may be obtained from the Superintendent's Office or with the sign-in sheet and agenda at the board meeting.