Report a Bullying, Cyberbullying, Abuse, Sexual Harassment or Dating Violence Incident
While the district already has many programs to help students deal with challenges such as bullying behaviors, stress, peer pressure, abuse, and family problems, Report a Bullying, Sexual Harassment, or Dating Violence Incident helps break the code of silence often experienced by students because it allows them to report concerns to administrators anonymously.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is not a crisis line. In cases of emergency, please call 911!
Please complete this form to the best of your knowledge so we can assist you.
Confidentiality: To conduct this investigation in a confidential manner, the school will disclose the contents of your complaint only to those persons who have a need to know about your complaint. In submitting the complaint, you authorize the school to disclose, as needed, the information you have provided, and may in the future provide, regarding your complaint. Your complaint form will not be shown to the accused person.