Furloughs and Exits of the Gifted and Talented Program
In some extenuating circumstances, it may be deemed by the GT Building Committee to be in the best interests of the student to remove the student from the GT program temporarily for part of a semester, a semester, or a year, without fully exiting the student from the GT program. This may be for reasons of illness, family or emotional problems, peer conflicts, or other problems for which the student feels incapable of continuing in the GT program at the present time, but which are reasonably expected to be resolved within a period of time after which the student wishes to continue in the GT program.
Before a furlough is enacted, there should be a review of student performance. This review is designed to identify the source of the student’s issues and provide the most appropriate support.
● The GT teacher and student have developed a plan for improvement.
● The GT teacher and parents have a conference on ways to assist the student with his or her plan.
After a reasonable amount of time for the student to demonstrate improvement, the student is recommended for continuation or furlough. The support process should continue throughout the period of furlough to ensure a seamless transition back into gifted services.
When this is agreed to be the case, the GT Building Committee may vote to grant a “furlough” status for a specific period. This should be noted in the student’s GT records (electronic records and teal folder) and the student should not be withdrawn from the GT program. However, the student’s class schedule may be changed if necessary and the student may be placed in another class and not attend the GT class for the period of the furlough.
If a student on furlough does not receive services for two or more years, they must be referred and screened again for placement in services.
Students may exit/withdraw from the Gifted and Talented Program at any time during the school year. Reasons for exit/withdrawal may include personal or social stresses that prevent self-satisfying student performance. Each situation will be reviewed individually. (19 TAC 89.51 (a) and (e)).
Non-performance in the gifted classroom is not, by itself, sufficient reason for exit from the program, but may be an indicator of other problems that may lead to a recommendation for exit. No single criterion, such as grades or conduct, is considered sufficient to remove a student from the GT program; rather, a comprehensive review of all data must be weighed by the GT Building Committee at the campus that is composed of the GT administrator, gifted and talented teacher, and counselor. The Coordinator of GT/Advanced Academics may be an optional member. The exit committee will make the decision for program exit based on educational, psychological, and or personal reasons. The teacher’s and/or the counselor’s information and data, parent and/or student request for withdrawal should be considered.
It is recommended that students receive gifted services at least three weeks from their date of entry before requesting exit/withdrawal forms. This three-week adjustment period will allow a student time to experience the gifted curriculum and adjust to the environment of a GT classroom.
Exiting or withdrawing from the GT Program may be initiated by either a parent/guardian, or a GT Administrator. Additionally, an exit/withdrawal form must be completed and submitted to the GT Building Committee for review.
The GT Building Committee will review the exit/withdrawal request after:
● An evaluation of student performance has been conducted through the Student Support Process (SSP). The SSP is designed to identify the source of the student’s issues to provide the most appropriate intervention(s).
o The GT Teacher and student have developed a plan for improvement.
o The GT Teacher and parent/guardian have a conference to discuss ways to assist the student with his/her plan.
● After the designate time for the student to demonstrate improvement, the student is recommended for continuation or discontinuation of placement.
● Alternative agreements may be considered between the student and GT teacher by which the student may meet or fulfill assignment requirements, since the purpose of the GT program is to provide appropriate differentiated instruction to meet the needs of the student. Every effort should be made to see that the student’s needs are being met within the gifted and talented program, that the student is appropriately challenged intellectually but not over burdened with quantity of assignments rather than assignments that meet the Principles of Differentiated Curriculum for Gifted Students (TEA) upon which the GT program is based. Personal situations, emotional stress, and/or developmental difficulties, along with the student’s abilities, should be considered in developing alternative learning contracts.
● The GT Building Committee conferences with the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the building principal and shares its findings in writing.
● Any recommended changes in placement will be preceded by intervention strategies that are designed to make modifications in the program to meet the individual needs of the student.
● The parent(s)/ guardian(s) request exit/withdrawal from the GT program using the exit/withdrawal form must be placed in the student’s cumulative folder.