Physical Therapy
(9) Physical therapy means services provided by a qualified physical therapist. (§300.34, Federal Regulations).
"Physical therapists are health care professionals who help individuals maintain, restore, and improve movement, activity, and functioning, thereby enabling optimal performance and enhancing health, well-being, and quality of life." The Physical Therapist Scope of Practice (2015). American Physical Therapy Association.
As providers of Physical Therapy in the school system, Physical Therapists provide services under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Under IDEA physical therapists, "work collaboratively with a student's IEP team and participate in screening, evaluation, program planning, and intervention. As a member of the IEP team, physical therapists design and implement physical therapy interventions - including teaching and training of family and education personnel and measurement and documentation of progress - to help the student achieve his/her IEP goal. Physical therapists assist students in accessing school environments and benefiting from their educational program." Fact Sheet on Providing Physical Therapy in Schools under IDEA 2004 (2009). American Physical Therapy Association, Section on Pediatrics.
Physical Therapy Staff:
Tayla Nicolas
Ashley Benitez