School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)
GISD has a school wellness plan that focuses on maintaining high standards of nutrition and wellness among students. The goal of the district’s nutrition and wellness plan is to strengthen and coordinate the components of school health. By doing so, we can provide a comprehensive learning environment for developing and practicing positive health behaviors that contribute to students’ wellness, academic performance, and lifelong health. View the GISD School Nutrition and Wellness Plan
SHAC Members
Brandy Getz, Chairperson - Parent
Dr. Keith Parker, Co-Chairperson - High School Principal
Sarah Bush, Secretary - School Counselor/Parent
Dr. Shirley Richardson, Interim Superintendent
Mychal Masters, R.N., GISD Nurse/Teacher
Tyrell Hobbs, Parent/Law Enforcement
Keith Collier, Parent/Community Member
Ben Huebner, Community Member
Trey Perkins, Community Member
Megan Bolton, Teacher/Parent
Sue Waller, Student Services/Transportation Director
2024-2025 Agenda and Minutes
Meetings will be held in the High School Library
1. District policies adopted to ensure that elementary school, middle school, and junior high school students engage in at least the amount and level of physical activity required by Education Code 28.002(l) [see EHAB and EHAC];
2. For the number of times the SHAC has met in the previous year(s), see the posting of meetings above;
3. The district has adopted and enforces policies to ensure compliance with TEA’s vending machine and food service guidelines for restricting student access to vending machines;
4. The district has adopted and enforces policies and procedures that prescribe penalties for the use of e‑cigarettes, as defined by Education Code 38.006, and tobacco products by students and others on school campuses or at school-sponsored or school-related activities [see DH and GKA]; and
5. Parents can request in writing a copy of their child’s physical fitness assessment results at the end of the school year [see FFAA]. Please request from your child’s campus.
SHAC Bylaws
View the GISD SHAC By-Laws
HB 9 - Texas Senate Bill 9 Information for Parents and Guardians
According to Texas Senate Bill 9, Groesbeck ISD is required to provide instruction relating to the prevention of child abuse, family violence, dating violence, and sex trafficking. Groesbeck ISD, with guidance from the School Health Advisory Council (SHAC), has approved the curriculum that will be used to teach each of these topics and has determined the grade level(s) that will receive instruction on each of these topics.
As a parent/guardian, you have the right to preview the curriculum(s) at any time. Your child’s campus will share information regarding parent education opportunities that will be offered throughout the school year, allowing you to preview the material(s) and ask questions of your child’s campus leaders. At least 14 days before each instructional presentation, your child’s campus will provide communication regarding the date(s) of each of these lessons.
Before a student may be provided with instruction related to child abuse, family violence, dating violence, and sex trafficking, Groesbeck ISD must obtain written consent from the student’s parent/guardian. Parents/Guardians will complete the SB9 Consent Form as part of Student Registration in Skyward Family Access. Please note: not all topics are covered at every grade level.
Grades K – 5 | Grades 6 – 12 |
Aim for Success | |